Monday, March 17, 2008

It's been a while...

It's been a while since I wrote anything here. It just seems like my life has been crazy lately. Work has been crazy busy, and it seems that home life has been the same way. It's not a bad thing, just a busy thing.

To begin with, I've made 3 business trips in the last 5 weeks, and have 3 more coming up in April. I must have walked more than 30 miles last week at the largest construction and aggregate equipment conference in North America, which only happens once every 3 years...thank goodness!!! My feet and legs hurt for 2 days after I got home, and my shoulder feels bruised from carrying a briefcase full of crap that I picked up at the show. The late night events and early morning conferences didn't help much, either. However, I'm good as new now and volleyball has started up just can't keep me down for long..... :)

My hubby is having surgery the end of this month; this has been an ongoing ordeal for some time and is all related to the motorcycle accident he had nearly 3 years ago. Hopefully, the surgery will alleviate the pain he's having. And yes, we're still trying to collect from the other guy's insurance company. We had to resort to a lawyer and a lawsuit before the 2-year statute of limitations ran out, but we're moving along with that also. Between Ken's physical health and the legal stuff, I sometimes wonder if life will ever return to normal, or at least to some semblance of normalcy that resembles life prior to the accident. It has been a long, long haul.

I'm also in the process of setting up an office at our small, 2-person office will be closing this fall. I'm looking forward to working from home, but I have so much to do to get the room ready...aarrrrggghhh!!! I have to erase 20+ years of boys from the room with alot of patching, texturing, and painting. Traveling alot doesn't help with that very much either.

On a much happier note, after a couple of heartbreaking miscarriages last year, Seth and Katie are going to make me a grandmother in September. Wow, I love the sound of that. She has passed the critical first trimester and everything is going well. It's just now beginning to sink in, though, because I wouldn't let myself get very excited about it at first. I was so afraid that the same thing would happen again and that it would just destroy her this time. She's a strong young woman, but that kind of thing is hard on even the stongest. She's doing great, though, and is feeling good, so I'm getting really excited now. The thought of Seth having a kid of his own just floors me, though. He's such a character...and a mess. As Katie puts it..."I'm going to give birth to the spawn of Satan"...I couldn't say it any better myself..... :) I do love all my babies, including the girl brave enough to marry one of them, and will love my grandbabies just as much!!!


Blogger Reasa said...

COngrats to becoming a grandma!! I am happy for you guys. I was just thinking about you and wondering how you have been. Thanks for the update.

3/19/08, 10:46 AM  
Blogger Kc said...

I cried when i read this post.. mainly cause im hormonal but just cause your happy. Im so excited to.. dont worry its sinking in for me as well, for the longest time i kept thinking " ok when is it going to happen again"(misscarriage) but im so glad i made to my second trimester. I am going to the doc today so I will def. let you know how that goes, I am going to My grandparents after all, but Im going to straight there and back.. they just really wanted to see me. I have my neighbor taking care of the pups.. Well be sure to let me know how Ken's surgery goes, I talked to seth the other day and he seems to be doing good, just his allergies are really bothering him, but they have him on some really strong bynedral that helps him sleep... so i guess thats good
well I've typed to much and sorry about the bad

love you


3/20/08, 9:18 AM  
Blogger Monica said...

Congrats! I love to see my parents interact with my babies. It makes me all warm and fuzzy inside to see someone else love them as much as I do. Good luck on the new office! Happy Easter!

3/20/08, 12:55 PM  
Blogger Call Me Grandma said...

Kbug, that is such great news about the baby. You will enjoy being a Grandma...I just know it.
Congrats to you and yours. May God bless you all with a happy health baby.
Babies are sure grand!

3/20/08, 2:50 PM  
Blogger Sue said...

You know what? You are awesome and you deserve to be a grandma - it kind of completes a woman, you know? To see our children having children - it's exactly what we planned and yet when you see loss, it's hard to be excited. Praying for Seth and your dil and for all of you...Ken too for his surgery. It's so good to see you back - be blessed my friend.

3/20/08, 3:02 PM  
Blogger Michelle said...

Congratulations on becoming a grandma. I will be praying that the rest of her pregnancy goes very smoothly. I'll also be praying that Ken's surgery goes well. Good luck with everything.

3/21/08, 10:59 AM  

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